Thanks for your email. I was thinking of you as well and was about to send you an email on the weekend. 🙂

David and I are really well. We cant wait to meet our little baby boy and are really excited. David and I have practiced quite a bit, we have done several meditations, I am listening to my affirmations and have put together affirmations and visualizations and have blue tagged them all over the house. David has helped me a lot in the relaxation. The breathing techniques work out really well and I am training the breathing down quite a lot when on the toilet 🙂 hehe

David has become really cute and is touching my belly now so often, talking to the baby and always tells me how well I am doing. It is such a nice thing to hear and it makes me confident and happy to have him by my side. There is a huge amount of trust and I am so happy to go through the birthing with him by my side.

We have had the hospital course as well and I was very surprised about the midwives, they are just amazing. We put together our birth plan and have talked it through with the midwives are they are very happy to accommodate our wishes and respected everything we put into the birth plan.

I have so far not read too much to be honest as I am wanting to go into this without my brain working too much otherwise I get anxious and i want to avoid that.

My fears have been really not shown up anymore since we did the meditation with you except for David’s dad and finding him accommodation but David reassured me that the only important thing to focus on is at the moment our little boy and he will not care about anything else than me and him. So that helps as well.

Joyce, we cant thank you enough for your knowledge and support through this time and you have really empowered us and shown us amazing techniques that we are looking forward using during the birth.

We bought already the clary sage but have put it in a safe place for now so that nothing happens too early.

The hospital is happy for us to bring in essential oils as well which is great. I put my hand up for a water birth and hopefully will like it but I definitely want to try it. The birthing suite at the hospital is wonderful and I am so glad we are going to John Flynn.

I finish work in a week and am really looking forward to it. Everything gets hard now and my body really tells me to rest now. Amazing what the body can do.

OH and I almost forgot, our baby has finally moved into the right position and is head down!!! YAY, no cesarean for me 🙂

Thanks Joyce, and I hope we stay in touch.

Regards, Luisa